Wesleyan Wallet is a rewards platform which gives you access to exclusive discount codes at hundreds of online retailers on a whole range of purchases. Simply download the app, activate the browser extension, and see deals live in your browser as you shop online. Once you find a deal you like, the discount is applied instantly at checkout. How to get startedWesleyan Wallet is available through Wesleyan’s Member Rewards scheme. Once you’ve downloaded the Wesleyan Wallet app, you’ll need to register using the unique voucher code you received via Member Rewards.Having problems?If you have any trouble registering for the app, you can contact us on
[email protected] Wallet Deal ServiceDeal Service uses the Accessibility API. This provides users who opt in to start using Deal Service to save money when shopping online. The functionality allows the Deal Service plugin to access the users web browsing information to find related promotions for the websites the user visits, this data is anonymised and not stored. The user will be given information about discount vouchers as they shop. Users are given the option to opt out at any time.